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United States
I'm a 17 year old girl, who loves jpop~

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Long rant

I haven't been feeling well (mentally, not psychically) I'm worried about so many things. Grades, SAT's and other personal stuff. My GPA has dropped from a 3.65 to a 3.2 and I calculated my GPA for the 3rd marking period and it's a 3.0.

Algebra II, for once, isn't the problem. (I got a B 3red semester) It's Chemistry, and that Awful stupid pointless PSAT math prep class that I was forced take in which I got a 65% in.
When I was forced to sign up for PSAT prep, I thought it would be a good chance to up my SAT scores. But you know, it didn't even help. I TRIED to pay attention, I re-did EVERY test I failed (I failed all of them) and went over it with my mom. I TRIED to do the class work with honesty and not look in the back of the book, but It was all meaningless in the end. Not only did I have a demanding, evil teacher who graded harshly (what happened to A for effort?) her lessons were boring, our classes had no variety, and there were NO chances for extra credit.
Towards the end of the last class with her, I was like, forget this. I stopped taking notes. I didn't do the classwork. I should of did this halfway through the marking period. I knew I was going to fail anyway.

I'm so surprised and happy at the support I got from my mom. She expects me to do well with my grades. I can't get a C in any class other than math. My mom understood that this class was hard for me. I've sucked at math ever since I was little. Any other parent would of yelled at me, but my mom listened to me complain, helped me with my homework, and sympathized with me. She reassured me that she didn't care if I failed PSAT prep, after all, it's not one of my core classes. Colleges look at your SAT scores, they don't care If you failed the class. She also said I could pull my GPA up over the next two years and that my PSAT grade would average out If I got a good score in the English class. And I think I will do better in English. The teacher is much more nicer, I like English better, and I'm better at the English SAT's than the math part.

My mom reassured me, but I was surprised my friends didn't. I told my friend about my bad PSAT score on a test I took. I told her that I had to re due it at lunch. I told her because I was sad about it, even though I laughed when I said I got a 50%, I was still feeling upset.  She laughed and said How can you fail the PSAT's? it's common sense. I know she was just joking, but It really stung, what she said really upset me.

 My other friend was forced to take the PSAT class, just like me, except she didn't need to take it, where as I did. The PSAT's are easy for her. I didn't see her grade, but I'm sure it's an A. I'm sure she had no problem with the homework or classwork. One time, she said the classwork was super easy. Well, I thought It was really hard...
The SAT's AREN'T common sense. If they were, we'd all pass. Some things are hard for some people, for some people they are easy. WHY can't anyone understand this. That's why, I never bring up the topic of PSAT's to my friends anymore. I mean, they mean no harm when they say it's easy.

it's not easy for me.

And Spanish. I AM SO SICK OF IT I CAN'T TAKE IT A MOMENT LONGER. My teacher just yells and rants off directions for 30 minutes all in Spanish. We do these stupid activities and she yells at us for the littlest of things.  Half the time I don't know what she's saying. I want to tear my ears out.I don't hate Spanish as a language, but my initial language that I'm learning is Japanese.  Well, after this year, my language credits are DONE.  I planned to stop after Spanish II, but I figured out Chinese is going to be offered next year. Japanese is derived from Chinese, I figured I'd take Chinese I and Chinese II.

The only things I have to look forward to are Spring break, Sakura Matsuri, and several new singles and albums from my favorite artist.  I can't wait until Summer.

I'm so sick

of just everything. 

I feel so bad about complaining. There are people in japan, Africa, and other countries without food, water, shelter, power, who have lost family members and friends. Here I am so spoiled and un grateful complaining about how sucky my life is when there are more un fortunate things going on in the world.

Here is a picture of the Sakura tree in my yard. 

The pink sakura are starting to change to the pretty red leaves that appear on it every Summer. Every time I look at this tree, It gives me hope.  

Some photos I took around my neighborhood:

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