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I'm a 17 year old girl, who loves jpop~

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Song review: Sakura no Ki ni Narou + SKE covers

Sakura no Ki ni Narou by AKB48, their new single.

While I love songs like RIVER, Beginner, and Oogoe Diamond, AKB48's ballads are what really make me like them. This song is just so beautiful, and kind of sad, it made me shed a tear when I watched the MV. Though a tad bit boring

Plus... Matsui Jurina was also featured A LOT in this single, and I'm so happy about that because she looked so gorgeous! (love you jurina!) But not only Jurina, at least two other SKE members (including Matsui Rena) were in this AKB single! I know other people have problems with SKE members being in AKB singles, but I have no problem with it! The more the merrier, right? But these Theater Girls, Under Girls, DIVA, MINT, etc are really confusing!! There are too many sub groups and groups, I can't keep up. But I like Under Girls' songs. They have really nice songs!

Is anyone else LOVING these covers? Their gorgeous!! The colors blend together nicely, everything looks peaceful.

SKE48's Banzai Venus covers are just as good as AKB's! (VERY bright!) Looking forward to this single!
Ishida Anna (center) Is so cute!!!

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