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United States
I'm a 17 year old girl, who loves jpop~

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm so sick of it...

Nowadays, EVERYBODY is fawning over AKB.
And It's annoying!! And this is coming from an AKB fan.
Their probably #6, or #8 on my top 10 list where as Morning Musume is up in the #3 and # 4's.

I get it! EVERY single of theirs is ranked #1, even If its bad. I get that ALL genders and ages like them. I get it that they sell better than mm (gee, I wonder why. heavy rotation cough). I get that their singles stay on the charts for like 812387742897 million years. I get that they have broken many of morning musume's records. I get that they have a huge fan base all over the world. I get that their the "hot stuff" "their the best" "nobody can beat them" I GET IT ALREADY!!!

And you know what, I would be super happy for them, but my other group that I absolutely love, Morning Musume is not doing so hot. Their sales aren't as high as the past. Their popularity will sink to the bottom, If some action is not taken. I'm a loyal fan of them and will always be, It doesn't matter how much their singles sell. But I can't be happy for AKB, when Morning Musume is doing so bad. And the fact that I heard MM fans are moving on to AKB makes me so mad. It's like, what's wrong with you? Your just going to abandon them?

I'm finding it really hard to be happy for AKB, and to love them, and to root them on. I love SKE48, and I can root them on, so why not AKB?

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